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The Countertop Production Mastery Series contains all the great knowledge one would need to be a countertop programming Master in EasySTONE.
With over 40+ years of countertop machining experience, Stoneworks Training Group has created the Countertop Production Mastery Series to help you move your countertop production to its highest possible level.
Take control of your business and run your countertop production at maximum efficiency. For less than the cost of 1 day of onsite customized training, you can receive all of our best time-tested strategies and information for programming and producing countertops with EasySTONE.
EasySTONE provides a large quantity of different software features that can help you effectively machine countertops. This downloadable PDF document is designed to help you become more aware of the features that can support you in quickly making quality countertops.
This downloadable series contains tutorial videos and PDFs that detail the 3D Build commands and strategies to guide you on your introductory journey of working dimensional stone projects. This series contains all of the available downloads in our “3D Stoneworks” category and is discounted when compared to buying all downloadable topics individually.
2D Drawing
2D Draw and Modify commands are explained in this 1 hour tutorial video. These are the basic commands that everyone needs to be working with EasySTONE. This is the 1st of many videos to be published by STG, so we are offering it at a reduced price! Download this video today to keep in your training arsenal forever. Watch it as many times as you need, and use it to train any new employees.
Sink Template Creation - Training Video & Document Package
In this downloadable package, you will receive both a training video and PDF document. You will learn how to import, modify, and prepare sink templates for future use. These resources will also teach you how to set up a library of sink templates that can be accessed for fast and efficient programming anytime a sink template will be needed again.
This package includes a video tutorial and PDF document, which explain how to organize and program multiple parts into 1 neat and clean EasySTONE file. Gone are the days of needing many files for the same client or job. All parts can be contained within a single .est file, even if there will be multiple machine setups for the same job. Download this package to follow along and learn how to organize your jobs with tools like Groups, Layers, and Parts.
3D Build Commands is a 4-part video tutorial, with nearly 2 hours of education, that explains all of the commands found on the BUILD tab in EasySTONE’s Draw Page. These commands will teach you how to create and edit surface geometry to be used in 3-axis and 5-axis operations. Purchase this package and get your link to download all 4 tutorial videos.
A drive surface can be a useful tool to help you orient work that is being done in almost any direction. It is an important tool to guide your 5-axis work. This PDF download teaches you how to create drive surfaces and examples of how to use a drive surface to direct 5-axis and 3D machining operations.
Learn how to activate and use “rest machining” when working 3D projects with mill tools, saw blades, or both. When used correctly, rest machining can be a huge time saver in your 3D operations!
Cutting miters can prove to be a difficult task, and this document will arm you with the knowledge of how to understand and control miter cutting. Accuracy is key. How and where to apply the accurate measurements are described in this downloadable PDF. This document also contains information to guide you through the process of verifying that your machine’s pivot offsets are correct.
Download this PDF document to learn how to create a Box (stock representation) for any of your parts. The actual shape of your part doesn’t matter. Whether it’s rectangular, L-shaped, contains rounded corners - any shape - these instructions have your job covered. 2D geometry, 3D surface geometry, lathe parts, and unique shapes are included. Easy commands are also defined for orienting warping, ramp and twist type parts into the smallest stock requirements.
The Profile Tools Setup Guide package leads you through the process of gathering profile tool information and establishing the tool in EasySTONE’s tool library. You will learn how to measure and create the tool in EasySTONE, create a Kit for using a set of profile tools, and test the tool’s functionality. Also included in this package are documents that aid in the measuring and information collection stage.
This guide, available for download in PDF format, gives detailed instructions and strategies for drawing, programming, and machining shower floors and sink basins with EasySTONE.
Esta guía, disponible para descargar en formato PDF, brinda instrucciones detalladas y estrategias para dibujar, programar y mecanizar los pisos de duchas y lavabos con EasySTONE.
Esta breve guía en PDF define todas las opciones disponibles para usted al crear objetos de texto.
Feed Variations is an EasySTONE option that will prevent damage or chatter marks on internal corners. Most commonly, this feature is used in sink cutouts, but has other uses. Download this PDF to learn how it is applied to internal sink corners with a small radius.
Tangency Test is a useful tool for both 2D and 3D programmers alike. It will quickly and easily identify open points, connected geometry, and tangency between objects. This is especially helpful wen trying to identify imperfections in imported objects. Download this PDF to learn how Tangency Test can help you identify the imperfections to make corrections quickly.
When parts are cut the wrong size consistently, usually the problem originates in the blade parameters. Setting blade parameters correctly and verifying their accuracy will solve most of these problems. Our Saw Blade Setup documents will guide you through the correct blade setup process for EasySTONE and EasySTONE-NC. If you use both software, only 1 purchase and download is necessary.
Surface Finish with Blick Industries Leatherhead is a free document that we want everyone to experience! There is a lot of educational information in this easy to follow document that lets you experience the kind of education and knowledge you’ll gain from downloading any of our other EasySTONE training documents. Download this document and learn how to setup surface finish routines like Leathering and Honing. Enjoy!
The normal operator is not available, and it’s time to change the finger bit. Should you wait? Should you try to make the change and hope all will be OK? New or Different Finger Bit is designed to be a guide for the fill-in operator or programmer. Someone with exposure and a little experience with EasySTONE can follow this guide and successfully setup the proper parameters of a finger bit to keep production moving along with as little downtime as possible.
Basic setup and machining strategy of lathe parts - including both non-interpolated and interpolated lathe jobs.